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PANKI222 - Strings of Panki_23

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Boys of RAJ LOBBY plays different games every day(and every second :D).Their games are usualy tricky in nature.It is also true that different people have different thinking while creating new games for others and some have little bit extra(:P).In RAJ LOBBY panki is the one who always try to make such games that make everyone feel bad(beacuse he keeps no chance for others to win :P). This time also he is making a little game but by using a amazing thing called "string". He promised us that we have some chance of winning this time. His game is as follow :

Given a string containing only characters a...y ,A..Y and spaces (ASCII code is 32),you have to perform the following operations -
If character is vowel then it should be in uppercase form otherwise if character is consonant then it should be in lowercase form. Later he added one more thing that the first character of every word should be in uppercase form.

After seeing the rules and all, we thought that YES this time we can have winning flag in our hand but still there are problems as we all are little bit weak in games related to strings. But this tym we really wanna win this game. We think that u can help us !! So can u help us to win this game????


The input file consists of several data sets. The first line of the input file contains the number of data sets which is a positive integer .The following lines describe the data sets.

For each data test, there is one single line containing the string .The length of string does not exceed 10^6.
It is guaranteed that the input will have atleast one character :)
Their will be no input with just space.


Print the resultant string after applying the conditions of game given by panki.


Sample Input
Sample Output

Added by:BLANKRK
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64