MULTII - Yet Another Multiple Problem
Given a positive integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10000) and some digits, find the smallest positive multiple of N whose decimal notation does not contain any of the given digits.
Each test case contains two lines. The first line contains two integers N and m separated by a single space. The second line contains m digits separated by spaces. Input terminates by EOF.
For each test case output its case number (starting from 1) and the answer in a single line, or "-1" (without quotes) if the answer doesn't exist.
Input: 2345 3 7 8 9 100 1 0 Output: Case 1: 2345 Case 2: -1
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2022-06-29 22:52:50
AC after many months!
2021-10-17 08:15:27
I also got TLE, but when I added scanf() == 2 (input), I got accepted. |
2021-10-17 08:12:42
100 is just a number, you want a multiple of this number e.g. 200, 300, 400, ..., but then, there are 'm' digit restrictions (in 2° example 1) and the digit is 0. With the restriction, the sentence would be like give me a number multiple of 100 BUT the number should not contain digit 0. It is impossible because 100, 200, 300, 1000 always gives contain 0, that's why the answer is -1. |
2021-04-04 16:10:38
2 test case is correct? 100 is not a digit please explain if i m wrong.. |
2020-10-14 22:06:08
Can someone please help me!!!! Why am I getting TLE? The output seems fine to me
2019-09-06 22:32:56
i solved it in 0.72 ms but have something missing about when it will end i solve it but can't prove it now should i draw a tree or something on paper ? Last edit: 2020-07-11 01:15:53 |
2018-04-25 17:17:43
similar one: |
(Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆):
2014-11-13 20:52:24
Finally accepted ;-)
Bharath Reddy:
2014-09-24 18:57:51
Not so easy for me :D
2013-08-07 01:34:26
easy one! |
Added by: | Fudan University Problem Setters |
Date: | 2012-11-21 |
Time limit: | 4s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
Resource: | ACM/ICPC Regional Contest, Chengdu 2012 |