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CYCLOPS - Mitch’s SPOJ Profile

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Last update: 2016-05-31

My Problems (SPOJ)


  1. Ancient Aliens (2013-06-01)
  2. Farmer Joe (2013-06-01)
  3. One Good Base Deserves Another (2013-06-01)
  4. A Kleene Implementation (2013-06-01)
  5. Peculiar Permutivores (2014-03-29)
  6. Some Sums (2014-06-07)
  7. Distinct Viewpoints (2014-09-27)


  1. The Brain-Folk Computer (2013-06-01)
  2. Permutation Cycle Decomposition (2014-03-29)


  1. Cross Pattern (Act 1) (2015-08-25)
  2. Cross Pattern (Act 2) (2015-08-25)

SHORTEN Brainfuck:

  1. The Brain-Folk Computer (2013-07-28)


  1. Cross Pattern (Act 1) (2014-01-12)
  2. Cross Pattern (Act 2) (2014-01-12)

My Problems (Elsewhere)


  1. How many zeros 2 (2011-12-27) [screenshot in case server is down]

Anarchy Golf:

  1. Gizoogle (2014-02-16)
  2. Circlify (2014-03-01)
  3. Anarchic Antarctic Scene (2014-03-02)
  4. The Fool on the Hill (2014-03-12)
  5. Searching for Paul McCartney (2014-03-13)
  6. Making Molehills out of Mountains (2014-03-13)
  7. Permutation Cycles (2014-03-26)
  8. Permutation Composition (2014-04-11)
  9. The Logfather (2014-05-29)
  10. Ant Paths (2014-07-16)
  11. Stars and Bars (2014-08-18)
  12. Enumerate Compositions (2014-11-11)
  13. Polyominoes (2014-12-01)
  14. Brainfuck Very Simple (2015-03-11)
  15. Backticks to Brackets (2015-04-14)
  16. Highly Composite Numbers (2015-05-10)
  17. Tile Squares with Dominoes (2015-05-20)
  18. Tile Polygons with Dominoes (2015-05-22)
  19. Toeplitz Matrix (2015-07-17)
  20. Trace Paths (2015-07-23)
  21. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Balls (2015-08-22)
  22. Expand Alphabet Ranges (2015-11-01)
  23. Zigzag Sums (2015-12-23)
  24. Count Carries (2016-02-18)
  25. A Few Good Digits (2016-03-17)
  26. Connect Digits (2016-05-31)

Old profile available here.

Added by:Mitch Schwartz
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)