ANTP - Mr. Ant & His Problem

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Mr. Ant has 3 boxes and the infinite number of marbles. Now he wants to know the number of ways he can put marbles in these three boxes when the following conditions hold.

  • Each box must contain at least 1 marble.
  • The summation of marbles of the 3 boxes must be in between X and Y inclusive.

Now you are given X and Y. You have to find the number of ways Mr. Ant can put marbles in the 3 boxes.


Input starts with an integer T, denoting the number of test cases. Each test case contains two integers X and Y.


1 ≤ T ≤ 1000000

1 ≤ X ≤ Y ≤ 1000000


For each test case, print the required answer modulo 1000000007.


4 5


Explanation for the first test case

1 1 2

Way 01

1 1 3

Way 02

1 2 1

Way 03

1 3 1

Way 04

2 1 1

Way 05

3 1 1

Way 06

1 2 2

Way 07

2 1 2

Way 08

2 2 1

Way 09

Note: use faster i/o method.

Problem Setter: Md Abdul Alim, Dept. of Computer Science, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

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nimphy: 2018-04-29 04:39:46

I want to know FFT is ok?

Sidharth Sikri: 2016-08-14 15:37:20

can someone tell me, why am i getting a WA for my code --
my code passes the sample test case and also the test cases given here by @nhari

nhari: 2016-05-21 18:18:47

2 10
5 26
23 59
100 500
30 89
answers are:

lalit_nit2: 2016-04-11 00:18:02

intersting but irritating ..(^_^)

Jitesh: 2016-04-03 16:50:44

@aqua_regia. answer will be 0.

aqua_regia: 2016-04-03 10:57:58

Are there any special test cases. What if x=1 y=2 ? Is the answer 0 or 1. And provide some additional test cases.

Added by:Alim
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64 GOSU JS-MONKEY
Resource:Own Problem